To place an order, email or fax your order to (845) 926-3125.
EF Series Kiln Elements ⋮
EF Series Kiln Parts ⋮
HF Series Kilns ⋮
EHK Series Kilns
Miscellaneous Items & Parts ⋮
Controllers ⋮
Instrumentation ⋮
High Temperature Wire
EF Series Kiln Elements
Cat. No. | Model Number | Total Elements Required | Element Prices (each) | ||||
Wall | Door | Floor | Wall | Door | Floor | ||
ALPEF2E | EF2 | 2 | 1 | $100.75 | - | $100.75 | |
ALPEF3E | EF3 | 2 upper, 1 lower | 1 | $124.15 | - | $99.50 | |
ALPEF4E | EF4 | 3 | 3 | $124.15 | $90.95 | - | |
ALPEF6E | EF6 | 3 | 3 | $128.35 | $90.75 | - | |
ALPEF8E | EF8 | 5 | 5 | 1 | $130.71 | $90.00 | $151.10 |
ALPEF10E | EF10 | 6 | 6 | $125.00 | $84.00 | - | |
ALPEF12E | EF12 | 6 | 6 | $130.00 | $90.00 | - | |
ALPEF16E | EF16 | 6 | 6 | $138.00 | $96.00 | - | |
ALPEF20E | EF20 | 6 | 6 | $144.00 | $102.00 | - | |
ALPEF24E | EF24 | 6 | 6 | $151.00 | $106.00 | - | |
ALPEF30E | EF30 | 6 | 6 | $248.80 | $114.80 | - | |
ALPEF40E | EF40 | 9 | 9 | $300.20 | $134.20 | - | |
ALPEF50E | EF50 | 9 | 9 | $334.20 | $149.40 | - | |
ALPEF60E | EF60 | 9 | 9 | $391.50 | $172.00 | - |
EF Series Kiln Parts
Cat. No. | Item Description | Price |
ALPINSUL1 | Porcelain Insulator | $4.25 |
ALPPIN12 | Element Pin #12 gauge | $0.75 |
ALPPIN10 | Element Pin #10 gauge | $0.87 |
ALPPIN8 | Element Pin #8 gauge | $0.92 |
ALPPIN314 | Element Pin #14 guage | $0.39 |
ALPMER130 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 35 amp, 1 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $82.00 |
ALPMER230 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 35 amp, 2 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $117.00 |
ALPMER330 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 35 amp, 3 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $185.00 |
ALPMER160 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 60 amp, 1 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $82.00 |
ALPMER260 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 60 amp, 2 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $124.00 |
ALPMER360 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 60 amp, 3 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $193.00 |
ALPMER1100 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 100 amp, 1 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $180.00 |
ALPMER2100 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 100 amp, 2 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $387.00 |
ALPMER3100 | Mercury Contactor (relay) 100 amp, 3 pole, 120/208/240v coil | $603.00 |
ALPSWITCH | On/Off Toggle Switch | $15.20 |
ALPBREAK20 | Breaker 2-Pole (20 Amp) | $85.40 |
ALPBREAK30 | Breaker 2-Pole (30 Amp) | $85.40 |
ALPBREAK40 | Breaker 2-Pole (40 Amp) | $85.40 |
ALPBREAK50 | Breaker 2-Pole (50 Amp) | $85.40 |
ALPEFCONTRNS | 240/120 Transformer | $94.85 |
HF Series Kilns
Cat. No. | Item Description | Price |
ALPBM | Blower & Motor (51 CFM—HF10 & smaller) | $136.00 |
ALPBM16-24 | Blower & Motor (75 CFM—HF16-24) | $135.50 |
ALPBM30-90 | Blower & Motor (148 CFM—HF40-90) | $143.00 |
ALPBMBRD | Blower Motor Adaptor, Round Mounting Flange | $63.85 |
ALPBMBSQ | Blower Motor Adaptor, Square Mounting Flange | $66.50 |
ALPBMD | Blower Motor Damper | $11.65 |
ALPBNCI2 | Burner Nozzle, Cast Iron, 2", includes 6" pipe nipple | $168.00 |
ALP6B | Burner Pipe with Diverters | $34.20 |
ALPBT2 | Burner Tip 2" (HF-6 & over) | $11.40 |
ALPDS1 | Damper Slab 1, 10x20 (HF6-30) | $52.00 |
ALPDS2 | Damper Slab 2, 11x28 (HF40 & over) | $71.00 |
ALPDS3 | For All DDHF Series Kilns Only, 10" x 20" x 3/4", Hi-Alumina | $45.00 |
ALPDL-S | Damper Lever, Old Style, Short | $66.50 |
ALPDL-L | Damper Lever, Old Style, Long | $66.50 |
ALPDLT-S | Damper Lever, New Style "T", Short | $112.00 |
ALPDLT-L | Damper Lever, New Style "T", Long | $112.00 |
ALPFB | Fireye Base | $51.00 |
ALPUVM1F | Fireye Unit 1F | $798.00 |
ALPUVME1F | Fireye MicroU unit 1F | $666.50 |
ALPUVM2A | Fireye Unit 2A | $1,095.00 |
ALPUVME2A | Fireye MicroU unit 2A | $920.45 |
ALPFUSE-M | Fireye Fuse, 8 Amp | Call for price |
ALPFUSE-MICM | Fuse, 10 amp, Mic U Series | |
ALPMAUV1 | Amplifier for UVM1F and UVM2A | |
ALPMEUV1 | Amplifier for 1F & 2A | |
ALPMP100 | Program Module for UVM1F | |
ALPMEP100 | Program Module for ALPUVME1F | |
ALPMP230 | Program Module for UVM2A | |
ALPMEP230 | Program Module for UVME2A | |
ALPMC120 | Chassis for Fireye UVM1F & UVM2A | |
ALPMEC120 | Chassis for UVME1F & UVME2A | |
ALPUV1A3 | Fireye UV Scanner, 3 foot cable | $186.30 |
ALPUV1A6 | Fireye UV Scanner, 6 foot cable | $222.15 |
ALPUV1A12 | Fireye UV Scanner, 12 foot cable | $286.75 |
ALPGPG | Gas Pressure Gauge (specify range (0-10 or 0-15) when ordering) | Call for price |
ALPILI | Indicating Light, 120 Volt, Red | $11.40 |
ALPIGN | Ignition Transformer | $210.40 |
ALPNIP-HF | Orifice Nipple, pair (specify kiln model) | $40.25 |
ALPCOLL | Orifice Collar, 2" | $37.50 |
ALPPBN | Pilot Burner - new (includes tip) | $28.50 |
ALPPTIP | Pilot Burner Tip | $13.50 |
ALP PILORI | Pilot Orifice | $16.90 |
ALPREG | Regulator, Blower | $16.90 |
ALPSOL1/8 | Solenoid Valve 1/8" | $89.00 |
ALPSOL3/4 | Solenoid Valve 3/4" | $178.00 |
ALPSOL11/4 | Solenoid Valve 11/4" | $352.00 |
ALPGREG 1/8 | Pilot Gas Regulator, 1/8", All Models | $21.50 |
ALPGREG 3/4 | Main Gas Regulator, ¾", HF-10 > HF-24 | $65.00 |
ALPGREG 11/4 | Main Gas Regulator, 1-1/4", HF-30 > HF-120 | $96.50 |
ALPSPA | Spark Electrode | $37.95 |
ALPSPW | Spark Plug Wire | $1.70/ft. |
ALPSPC | Spark Plug Connectors (pair) | $13.00 |
ALPHPSW1 | Switch, High Pressure | $176.50 |
ALPLPSW1 | Switch, Low Pressure | $176.50 |
ALPDSLS | Door Safety Limit Switch & Cord | $72.00 |
APLSPCON | Transformer Connector | $4.25 |
EHK Series Kilns
Cat. No. | Model Number | Elements Required | Element Prices (each) | ||
Wall | Top | Wall | Top | ||
ALPEHK2E | EHK-2 | 3 | $72.70 | - | |
ALPEHK3E | EHK-3 | 4 | $77.30 | - | |
ALPEHK4E | EHK-4 | 4 | $74.15 | - | |
ALPEHK6E | EHK-6 | 4 | 1 | $74.15 | $87.60 |
ALPHS5500-202 | Infinite Heat Switch, 240 volt | Call for price | |||
ALPHS5500-102 | Infintie Heat Switch, 120 volt |
Miscellaneous Items & Parts
Cat. No. | Description | Price |
ALPPEE | Peephole Plug | $12.50 |
ALPPUT | High Temp Putty - 4 oz. | $17.90 |
MANUAL | Specify Model & Serial Number | $25.00 |
ALPHIN | Weldable Hinges 6" x 6", 5/8" Pin | $42.00 |
ALPKEY | Control Panel Key -For new style, AEG type only | $21.50 |
ALPMOR | Mortar, ½ Gallon | $24.00 |
ALPTAR | Target brick | $18.00 |
ALPSB1FL | Spray Booth Air Filter | $7.65 |
ALPKEYSW | Key Switch, complete, AEG new style | $76.50 |
ALPKEYSWNO1 | Contact Block | $11.90 |
Cat. No. | Description | Price |
ALPDIGPZ900 | Digital Controller, New | $862.00 |
ALPDIGCB100L | Digital Controller, New | $295.00 |
ALPDIGV6CF | Digital Controller, EF Series Electric Kilns Only | $235.00 |
Cat. No. | Item Description | Price |
ALPTH12 | Thermocouple, Chrome/Alumel, 11ga. x12" | $24.95 |
ALPTH16-S | "S" Type Thermocouple, EF Series Only Pricing Will Vary According to Precious Metal Exchange |
$280.00 |
ALPTHCOMP-HEAD1 | Complete head assembly, new style | $96.20 |
ALPTHCOMP-HEAD2 | Complete head assembly, original style | $99.80 |
ALPWIR | Thermocouple Lead Wire, Chromel/Alumel | $2.70/ft. |
ALPTUB | Thermocouple Protector Tube | $22.00 |
ALP-TUBWF-10 | Protection Tub with Threaded Fitting, 10" | $29.50 |
ALP-TUBWF-12 | Protection Tub with Treaded Fitting, 12" | $32.50 |
ALPSW1 | Thermocouple Selector Switch | $15.20 |
ALPHEA | Thermocouple Head, (casting only) | $32.80 |
ALPBLO | Thermocouple Connection Block, original style | $11.50 |
ALPTSGT12 * | PLC Touch Screen, Updated Version 2 | $608.00 |
ALPPLCPM * | PLC Programming Module | $310.90 |
ALPPLCEM * | PLC Expansion Module | $210.00 |
ALPTEMPCON * | Temperature Converter | $195.00 |
ALPPLCPS | Power Supply | $105.00 |
ALPIPOP * | Input/Output Module | $135.00 |
* Includes programming
High Temperature Wire
Cat. No. | Description | Length |
ALPHTW14 | #14, Silicone Braided, 200 "C" | $0.90/ft. |
ALPHTW12 | #12, Silicone Braided, 200 "C" | $0.95/ft. |
ALPHTW10 | #10, Silicone Braided, 200 "C" | $1.20/ft. |
ALPHTW8 | #8, Silicone Braided, 200 "C" | $1.90/ft. |
ALPHTW6 | #6, Silicone Braided, 200 "C" | $2.40/ft. |